
▲劉男趁暑假闖入校園行竊,全被監視器畫面拍下。(圖/記者張曼蘋翻攝,下同) 記者張曼蘋/台北報導 位於台北市士林區銘傳大學今年7月間遭竊賊闖入,偷走總價值約40萬元的相機13台、鏡頭3個、相關配件及現金2萬多元。警方調閱上百支監視器畫面,發現51歲劉姓男子涉有重嫌,經2個多月追查,終於循線在台中豐原區逮到人;劉男落網後辯稱,年輕時有接觸相機,行竊時就以高價數位相機及鏡頭為主,得手後再賤賣到跳蚤市場。 警方調查,劉男自2011年起在全國各地校園、住宅等處犯下偷竊案件,光是校園竊案就至少8起,主要以北台灣的大學為主,其中包括銘傳大學台北、龜山校區以及新竹清華大學等,而這次暑假近3個月以來,劉男都趁半夜翻牆進到校園內再大肆搜刮。 由於劉男犯案後馬上即南下台中豐原一帶,且經台中地檢署發布竊盜通緝後,行蹤更是飄忽不定,經警方2個多月追查,終於在日前到豐原區劉男落腳處將其逮捕到案。劉男供稱,因為自己年輕時有接觸過相機,所以會以高價數位相機及鏡頭為主要偷竊目標,得手後再賤賣到跳蚤市場變現;全案經警詢後,依加重竊盜罪嫌移請士林地檢署偵辦,另通緝部分解送台中地方法院檢察署歸案。


世大運30日晚間舉行閉幕式,台北市長柯文哲以世大運執委會主委的身分上台致詞。 柯文哲致詞稿全文如下: 大家晚安,我是台北市長柯文哲。 Good evening. I am Ko Wen-je, the mayor of Taipei City.  2017台北世界大學運動會即將在今晚畫下句點,來自世界各國的青年好手,十二天來在北台灣的競技場上拚鬥,你們追求卓越的熱情,令人感動。 Today will conclude the Taipei 2017 Universiade. Over the past twelve days, athletes from all over the world have striven for glory in arenas across northern Taiwan. Their passion in the pursuit of excellence has been a moving performance.     感謝你們讓台北的夏天更加多采多姿,讓2300萬的台灣人民,有這個榮幸,陪伴你們一起創造歷史紀錄,留下你們在台灣最美好的回憶。  To them I say thank you for making this such a memorable summer for all of us. It has been a privilege for our 23 million citizens to witness you write this chapter of history and create these wonderful memories with you.  感謝國際大學運動總會(FISU)的支持,讓世大運在台北成功舉辦。 My sincere and special thanks to FISU for granting us this Universiade and for their strong support during the event.  感謝郝龍斌前市長成功申辦世大運,感謝蔡總統、行政院各部會、場館所在各縣市政府的鼎力支持,才能讓上萬名的選手與隊職員,在台北完成這場運動盛事。 I want to thank former Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-pin for winning Taipei’s bid to host the Universiade. I would also like to express my gratitude to President Tsai Ing-wen, all Ministries and Agencies of Executive Yuan and local governments where sports facilities are located for their strong support, enabling us to host tens of thousands of athletes, trainers, and staff here with us in Taipei for this gala event. 感謝世大運執行長蘇麗瓊帶領執委會的工作同仁,在大家都不看好的情形下完成艱苦的任務,感謝紀政召集人帶領顧問團提供專業諮詢,還有六年來一起奉獻心力的市府同仁,感謝你們。 Thanks also to Chief Executive Officer of the Universiade Organizing Committee Su Li-chiung who was responsible for this challenging task despite the fact that many people did not think we could make it. I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our advisers from various professional backgrounds, including Chi Cheng, providing valuable opinions. Finally, I also want to thank my colleagues in the city government who invested so much in the past six-year preparations for this event. Thank you all. 世大運的成功舉辦要歸功於無數的無名英雄,無論是場館的整建,市容的美化,負責維安的軍警、負責運輸的交通人員,隨時待命的醫護消防人員,以及一萬多名志工,各場活動的表演者以及轉播人員,還有購票進場實際支持這場盛會的民眾, I am also grateful to the unsung heroes around our land: to the people in charge of selecting and renovating venues and beautifying our city, to the police, to the transport personnel, to the medical staff who have been on constant stand-by, to the 10,000 volunteers who have given so much of themselves, to the performers and the broadcasters who have shared these beautiful performances with us. And finally, to the audience as well, whose support for the Universiade has been so crucial. 因為有你們,台灣有機會向世界證明台灣的力量, 因為有你們,台北更有自信迎向光榮城市的未來。 榮耀屬於你們,請大家給自己和我們的台灣一個熱情的掌聲。 Because of you, we have shown our strength to the world. Because of you, Taipei looks forward to a brighter future with greater confidence. The glory belongs to all of you. Please join me in a round of applause for all of you, and for all of us! 2017台北世大運即將交棒給同樣充滿熱情的義大利拿坡里市,也請大家給2019拿坡里世大運一個熱情的祝福。 The Taipei 2017 Universiade is coming to an end. Now, we pass the torch on to Naples, Italy, a city renowned for the passion of her people. Please join me as I offer my very best wishes for the Naples 2019 Universiade.  台北世大運的結束是一個新的開始,這場運動盛會讓台灣用運動和世界交朋友,讓台灣更緊密的融入國際社會,讓世界看見台灣。 The end of the Taipei Universiade is a new beginning. This event has allowed us to befriend the world through sport, to be further integrated into the international community, and to make the world see us as we are. 台灣,是一個成功的故事 台北,是一座光榮的城市 美麗島-福爾摩沙, 將繼續帶著海洋子民的勇氣與開放的胸襟, 勇敢的航向全世界, 再次感謝世界光臨台灣 謝謝大家。 Our country is a success story. Taipei is a city of glory. On our island vessel, beautiful Formosa, we shall continue to sail the world as courageous, open-minded island-dwellers. Once again, we thank the world for joining us here. Thank you.  ►世大運閉幕式:公共電視4K網路直播

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